Teacher Disciplined For Advising Students

Classroom discipline, classroom discipline, classroom management, classroom management or whatever the name, it is very crucial for a teacher. If a teacher is not able to maintain discipline in the classroom learning process will likely fail.This activity is the first step to creating a conducive learning environment.

As an agent of socialization (socialization agent), teachers should membelajarkan students about different behavior according to the demands of the situation. In interacting and communicating with students, teachers convey various messages to the students to be able to behave according to the situation expected in the classroom.

There are four (4) it is important to achieve success in the classroom:
  1. Teachers need to plan carefully individualized approach in disciplining students.
  2. Teachers must understand both various theoretical disciplines, along with the underlying  assumptions.
  3. Teachers understand the values ​​and philosophy of education which he believed.
  4. Teachers must be able to determine a disciplined approach that aligns with their students confidence, so as to avoid student confusion and personal conflict.

Indeed, many theories about the discipline that we can apply in the classroom (school), one of which is theory-initiated Inner Discipline by Barbara Coloroso. In an attempt to discipline the students in the class (school), Coloroso suggests three (3) categories of teachers (in this paper I use the term teacher type), namely: (1) Brickwall Teacher (Teacher Wall Bata), (2) Jellyfish Teacher (Teacher Jellyfish Jellyfish), and (3) Backbone Teacher (Teacher Backbone). Here is presented a brief description of the three types are:

Master Brick Wall (Brickwall Teacher). It seeks to limit the type of teacher and student are strictly controlling, regard students as subordinates and often insulting students. Here there is no gray area, that there is a dichotomy between black and white. Teacher type assignment operate in a climate of fear, through fixed and rigid rules, emphasizing punctuality, cleanliness and order. In the learning process often break the will of the students, emphasizing ritual and rote, relying on competition and teaches them what to think rather than how to think (what to think rather than how to think). Master Brick Wall (Brickwall Teacher) gives less credence to the student to develop his Inner Discipline.

Jellyfish teacher (Teacher Jellyfish). Teacher Wall is inversely related to Bata, the second type of teachers did not have the firmness and tend to be weak in managing the classroom, thus allowing chaos and anarchy in the classroom. Not having clear rules and structure, and often set the rules and penalties inconsistent. Teachers tend to use this type of threat and emotional as well as underestimate the learning process. Similarly, the type of teacher Brick Wall (Brickwall Teacher), this second type of teachers do not pay attention to the needs of students will be developing their ability Inner Discipline.

Teachers Backbone (Backbone Teacher). The third type is a teacher's teacher who always strive to provide support and provide the necessary structure to realize the uniqueness and the students get to know her true self. Learning takes place in a democratic process with a simple but clear rules. The third type of teacher who is always trying to support students to engage in a creative, constructive and responsible, motivating students to do all the things they have. Teachers Backbone (Backbone Teacher) seeks membelajarkan students how to think and gain confidence in themselves and others. Master Backbone (Backbone Teacher) is enabling the development of Inner Discipline students.Coloroso believes that in dealing with students, a teacher should help the student to develop his Inner Discipline. In a sense, helps students to be able to demonstrate creative behavior, constructive, cooperative, and responsible, without having to be regulated and controlled by someone else. Students be taught to accept dimiikinya problems, taking full responsibility for his behavior problems and can take appropriate action to address them, not based on fear but on the understanding and awareness that this is exactly the right thing to do (it is the right thing to do ).

Theory of Inner Discipline believes that every student is basically honorable, therefore it is fitting they receive treatment at all times with respect and can be treated with honor without having to hurt him. Implementation steps of Inner Discipline developed in 6 (six) phases, namely: (1) identifying and defining the problem, (2) determine the possibility of the solution, (3) evaluating the options available, (4) select one option that is, (5) make a plan and carry it out; (6) retrospect, to re-evaluate the problem and the solution implemented.

According Coloso, six steps have included 3 R on Discipline, namely: (1) Restitution: repair the damage suffered by the behavior and personality of students, (2) Resolution: determine the behavior of a way to not let it happen again or in other words, students can receive what he had done and start new things, and (3) Reconciliation: healing process, students be taught to respect the agreed plan of restitution, and committed to live up to the resolution.

Being a teacher Backbone (Backbone Teacher) who is able to implement the Inner Discipline as suggested by Coloso is certainly not an easy thing, especially for teachers who already became a brick wall or teacher Guru jellyfish, but perhaps that's the best possible choice in current educational context, which emphasizes the process of humanizing mankind.

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