Phd Devaluation

It is undeniable that a person's motivation for my doctorate is to improve the socio-economic conditions. Many consider his doctorate as a determining factor for the success of achieving those goals, not because of competence or capabilities it offers, but more because of the perception of the value of the title.

Speaking about the perception of the value of a degree, there is an interesting phenomenon about the public perception of academic degrees, especially at master level or S2. Until the mid 90s, S2 degree is still considered valuable because not too many people who hold them. Conditions change began around the year 2000 when Indonesia was hit by the financial crisis. Many new graduates S1 and those who lost their jobs in droves following the S2 program to increase their bargaining power. Consequently since the S2 graduate production become abundant, filling various job positions. Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 which requires that a teacher must hold a minimum of S2 to S1 can teach in the program encourages teachers to pursue graduate studies.

Along with the increasing number of graduates S2, perceptional value of the degree S2 will decrease. A master's degree is not something extraordinary. For S2 degree holders, these conditions resulted in tighter competition among them. They are competing for jobs, recognition (recognition), and special rights (privileges) attached to the title. S2 degree is not a competitive advantage for the holder, and they have to look for other factors to be able to win the competition.

Similar conditions are forecast to occur in S3 graduates in the not too distant future. Along with the rising popularity of programs S3, mahasiswanyapun number increased, and in a few years, the number of graduates S3 will also increase. Similar to the phenomenon that occurs with S2 degree, the doctorate perceptional value will decrease, and the title of S3 is not the determining factor in winning the competition.

"Battle field" for the doctors of the future lies in how far they could attend and contribute in their respective communities. In the international academic association for example, the existence of a doctoral determined by international publications or involvement in various international scientific cooperation. There is a Western proverb that says: publish or perish. The phrase is addressed to scientists peg the publication as a condition of their existence.

In the local scope, the competition is also not less interesting. Many niches that provide the opportunity to contribute and excel, but many players are in there. Journals and national seminars, national research grants, bids as a consultant, to positions in the government are some examples of the battlefield for our future doctors.

The question then is: if a doctorate itself is no longer the dominant factor determining success, and how to survive and thrive?This book will not answer that question specifically, but there seems to be an interesting trend about the HR requirements in the future. Competitiveness will be determined by a person's personal qualities are concerned, not by its attributes. Many HR experts are trying to identify the determinants of personal qualities, and it all leads to factors such as adaptability, commitment, passion (passion), do not give up easily, and focus (Baker, 2006) (Scarborough, -) (Inglish, 2009).

The same criteria apply for the doctorate. Without personal qualities as mentioned above, it is impossible to win the competition. If this happens, the hope that has long fostered, as well as business and costs incurred could be in vain.

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