Daoed Yoesoef (1980) states that a teacher has three main tasks, namely professional duties, human duties, and civic duties (sivic mission). If the associated discussion of culture, then the first task relates to hear the logic and aesthetics, the second and third tasks related to ethics.
Daoed Yoesoef (1980) states that a teacher has three main tasks, namely professional duties, human duties, and civic duties (sivic mission). If the associated discussion of culture, then the first task relates to hear the logic and aesthetics, the second and third tasks related to ethics.
Professional duties of a teacher that is forwarding or transmission of knowledge, skills and values of other similar children who have not known and should be known by the child.
Is a human task assignments help students to be able to fulfill the main tasks and man will be as well as possible. Human tasks it is self-transformation, self identification and understanding of oneself.
Help towards this effort should be given in order that the human sense of life in a single organic unit in the overall integralitasnya as has been described above. This means that the first and second task should be carried out thoroughly and integrated. Through education teacher should be able to help the students to develop thinking or reasoning power such that it is able to participate creatively in the process of cultural transformation toward civility for the betterment of their own lives and the lives of the entire community in which he lives.
Civic duties as a teacher is a consequence of a good citizen, helped carry out and perform anything that has been outlined by the nation through 1945 and the Guidelines.
The third task of the teacher must be implemented together in a harmonious and dynamic organic unity. A teacher is not just teaching in the classroom but a teacher must be able to be a catalyst, motivator and dynamic factor in the development of the place where he resides.
The third task when viewed in terms of the students then the teacher should give values that contains knowledge of past, present and future, the choice of the value of life and communication practices. Knowledge that we give to the students should be able to make it in the end students were able to choose the values of life are increasingly complex and should be able to make the students communicate with others in the community, because these students will not live in seclusion. We know how humans communicate with others not only through language but can also through motion, such as dance, voice (songs, chants), can be through colors and stripes (the paintings), through a form of engraving, or through symbols and signs are usually called formulas.
So the values are passed on by the teacher or education personnel in order to carry out their duties, professional duties, human duties, and civic duties, if expressed at once a science, life choices and communication practices. So although pengutaraannya different name, by the light of teachers and students and the angle, but it is given the same value, then the education of educational personnel in general and teachers in particular as Pre-service training, as well as heavy dotted and equal weight on three things, that train students, prospective teachers or prospective educational personnel to be able to be a teacher or a good education personnel, especially in this case to be able to perform tasks related to professional.
Furthermore, through the development of Pre-service teacher education should be able to educate prospective student teachers or educational staff to become human, person (personal) and not just be teachers (teacher) or (educator) educator, and we educate people to be human in the sense be a civilized creature. Because culture that distinguishes human beings with animal creatures. We can not say that the cultured animals, but we can say that human beings are cultured, meaning here is clear that the first set of people that are training to be teachers, making it a literate, educated him a second aspect of human culture, learned because after not with sendininya people become civilized, because a well educated not to become a man of cultured sendininya.
It is much easier to make cultured man that he educated or uneducated, but educated people and educated not by itself civilized. So considering this education as a pre coaching positions, on the one hand to prepare them to become teachers and on the other to make them into a human in the sense that human civilized, it is necessary to put forward why the teacher should be rnanusia cultured. By kanena education is part of the culture, so carry the essence of education can serve as a part of the culture that also implement cultured. To prepare teachers who also is dependent cultured human 3 main elements, namely:People who are prepared to be with the Pre-service teachers (initial training) should be able to master one or several disciplines will be taught in schools through education, the least formal education. A person may not be regarded as a teacher or education personnel both in the field of knowledge that he did not master that knowledge well. This does not mean that someone who knows the science well can be a good teacher, because teaching is an art after all. But instead somehow adept people master the art of teaching (art of teaching), as long as he does not have to be taught something he certainly would not be a teacher deemed inappropriate.
Teachers not only have to master one or several scientific disciplines that must be taught, it must also have an education culture that are fundamental to their human aspects. So in addition to accustom them to be able to master the knowledge, it also helps them to be able to master a strong cultural foundation. So for the teachers also need to be given basic general education.
Education against a teacher or education personnel in him should be the intellectual and practical introduction towards a career in education itself (ideally we should be able to implement it) includes apprenticeship. Why should an internship, for teaching as well as the doctor is art. So there is a term popular in the community about doctors who handed a cold and hot-handed doctor, but given the same science. Hence teaching is an art and occupational physicians (tips), it is necessary apprenticeship. Because art can not be taught is teaching techniques, engineering to medicine. Everything we deem tips, so may be a technique taught diakalau. However, if this issue can not be taught not mean it can not be learned. To this one must actively study and learn these tips should be through apprenticeships with attention to the way it works and why others do not succeed, why one is more successful, why others are less successful.
Connell (1972) distinguishes seven roles of a teacher namely (1)
educator (nurturer), (2) the model, (3) teachers and mentors, (4)
student (learner), (5) the communicator to the community, (6) clerical workers, and (7) loyalty to the institution.
role of teachers as educators (nurturer) are roles associated with
tasks giving aid and encouragement (supporter), the tasks of supervision
and guidance (supervisor) as well as tasks related to discipline the
children so that children become obedient to the rules school-rules and norms in family and community life. These
tasks are related to the growth and development of children to gain
more experiences such as the use of physical health, free from parents,
and other adults, the morality of civic responsibility, knowledge and
basic skills, persiapan.untuk marriage and family life , election of office, and the things that are personal and spiritual. It is therefore the task of the teacher can be called educators and child care. Teacher
in charge of disciplining the child must control every activity the
children to the level of child's behavior does not deviate with the
existing norms.
The role of the teacher as a model or example for children. Every child can expect their teachers to be an example or model for him. Therefore the behavior of both teacher educators, parents or community leaders should be in accordance with the norms adopted by the community, state and nation. Because the basic values of the state and nation of Indonesia is Pancasila, the educator's behavior must always be permeated by the values of Pancasila.
The role of the teacher as a teacher and mentor in the learning experience. Every teacher must provide the knowledge, skills and other experiences outside of school functions such as preparation for marriage and family life, learning outcomes in the form of personal and spiritual behavior and choose a job in the community, learning outcomes related to social responsibility tanggurfg child's social behavior. The curriculum should contain things mentioned above so that children have a suitable private life with the values espoused by the nation and the country, have the knowledge and basic skills to live in society and knowledge to develop his abilities further.
The role of teachers as learners (leamer). A teacher is required to increase their knowledge and skills so that knowledge and skills are dirnilikinya not outdated. Knowledge and skills mastered not only limited to the development of knowledge related to professional duties, but also humanitarian civic duties and tasks.
Teacher's role as faithful in educational institutions. A teacher is expected to help his friends who need help in developing their potential. Can help directly through formal meetings and incidental meetings.
The role of the teacher as communicator community development. A teacher is expected to play an active role in the development in all fields that are being done. He can develop his abilities in the areas under their control.
Teacher as an administrator. A teacher not only as an educator and teacher, but also as an administrator in the field of education and teaching. Therefore teachers are required to work a regular administration. All in relation to the implementation of the teaching and learning process needs to be well administered. Because administration treated as making a plan to teach, learn and record the results of a document so precious that he has performed his job well.
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